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© 2025
About The Coach...
Mark Sullivan has been a guest speaker at race events throughout the U.S. and Canada. He has written numerous articles on running and training, and has been featured in various running publications, newspapers, radio and television programs.
Mark Sullivan has completed over 185 marathons with more than 135 of those under 3 hours. And, he has run 35 consecutive Boston Marathons and is now the only person to have completed every Philadelphia Marathon.
Some of Mark Sullivan's
running accomplishments include:
-185+ marathon finishes with more than 135 of those under 3 hours, and...
- One third of the marathon finishes averaging under 2:50.
- One dozen First Place Overall marathon finishes
- Over 3 dozen top 10 marathon finishes
- Multiple marathon and ultra-marathon course records
- Overall Winner 3 years in a row at the Ohio 6-hour Ultra Distance Run
- Back-to-back 1st Place finishes at the A.T.L. Marathon
- Back-to-back top 3 places at the Eastern 50-Mile Championship
- 1st Overall: Niagara 50k Ultra
- Back-to-back 3rd Place finishes at the Canada Rock 'n Roll Marathon
- 35 year Boston Marathon veteran and member of the Boston Marathon Quarter Century Club with as many as 13 qualifiers for a single year, and...
-a 2:39 on the Boston course.
-The only person to have completed every Philadelphia Marathon - now, 31 years running!
Mark was able to maintain an impressive and remarkable steak by running at least one sub-3 hour marathon each year for more than 31 consecutive years. Mark's comprehensive knowledge of biomechanics and his understanding of physiology, along with his years of coaching experience, have enabled him to develop specialized training methods which help runners achieve their goals while avoiding injuries.
In addition to directing and assisting in the organization of hundreds of race events, Mark has served as a wear-tester for two of the major running shoe manufacturers. He has worked with chiropractors, doctors, podiatrists, and massage therapists, and completed training in anatomy and in a variety of muscle therapies.
Whether your goal is to lose weight and reduce stress, to start a running or walking program, complete your first 5K, to set a new PR, to run a marathon, to qualify for Boston, or, simply get over a chronic injury, Coach Mark Sullivan can design a program for your specific needs.
To get started, e-mail:
Guest speaker at a marathon dinner
Finishing the Boston Marathon
Guest panelist on a marathon recap television program